Thursday, April 14, 2011


Have you ever had such a real experience that it makes rest of your life seem fake and meaningless?
Yes? Perhaps in a near death experience or something. 
Imagine getting that out of a conversation with another person.
Less likely to happen.
My head is swimming. I don't know what to think. 

Maybe it's the fact that I'm tired. Really tired. I have been running running running trying to make myself feel something beyond loneliness. 

This whole blog thing is really stupid. It is essentially a journal for me to act like I can explain something to others that I can barely comprehend myself. 
As if anyone is reading it. Ha.
Why do I even have it then? 

Eh. I guess it can be used for both things; first, to have a place to show off some of my pictures and share them without the use of Facebook, and second, to have a place to vent my thoughts to myself about the most amazing connection I have ever had with a human, and whatever else happens to compare. 

I want to rebel. Not from God, or even from my parents necessarily, but just from the same old-same old life I have been living. I want to love deeper and feel stronger and think more actively. I think I am off to a promising new beginning, and I hope it's real. 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post! ...and yes I get on here now and then. I'm glad you're posting more often now. Trust me, I often wonder to myself why I even bother when very few people know about my blog.

    "I want to rebel. Not from God, or even from my parents necessarily, but just from the same old-same old life I have been living."

    I like that.... in fact I think I might write it on my wall: "A great saying by Kacey..." ;)I think it is a good think to feel that way sometimes. We should never stop growing or learning or reaching for new heights.

    Life is like rowing a boat upstream.
    Keep paddling.
